女王小说网 > 女王小说 > 人皆可奴(一)(32)


"Shawna, what the hell was that" she demanded and laughed at the same time. i noticed she had Kell's socks tied around her neck. "My new life Carrie, one that i chose. Nice necklace" i laughed. She laughed as well, i hope that was a good sign. " I, I have no words to describe how i felt while there with her" she managed to stutter out. "And now" i asked. " And now, I feel wierd, but i liked it and she was such a bitch, i didnt want to like it" she explained. "Lets go inside, Carrie" as i took her hand and we both made our way into my house.

Mom was there and looked at us "Why do you girls both have socks... there" she said pointing at us. We laughed and ran upstairs to my room. We sat on the floor face to face. "Did you feel that way Shawna" she asked. "Carrie, you have no idea, let me try something" i said as i undid her "necklace" lol. i took Kells sock as i held the back of her head and let Carrie move into smell it. As i had hoped, she leaned right in, i pressed the back of her head gently into it even more. i watched as she closed her eyes and begin to shift around. i pulled it away "try this one" i said as i took one of Miss Ambers off my shoulder and presented it to Carrie. She pulled away. "I like Kelly's better" she said while making a face and looking at the floor then at me. "So you like Kelly then" i asked. Then she suprised me and put Kells sock up to her nose again. "She gave me her laundry and said you may help me do it" she said looking at me. As i put Miss ambers sock back on my shoulder (i know they are to stay there!) i told her "ill give you hints, thats all, i should call Miss Amber to see what she wants me to do".?


Looking at Carrie, i knew she was as submissive as me and as confused as i was. i walked over to the phone and started to dial when i was interupted. "Shawna, i do like this. It isnt a joke is it" Carrie asked with so much sincerity. i put the phone down and said "On my part no, i dont know Kelly that well but Miss Amber would tell me, i think". i picked the phone back up and dialed Miss Ambers number. "Little Shawna" she answered. "um, Carrie is here Miss Amber, may i ask you a qusetion" i asked her. "kneel down and look at he floor when you are talking to me" was her order. Of course i dropped to my knees, she so has me. "Yes Miss Amber" i replied. "Ask away" she said. i proceeded to tell her about the situation and ask if it was okay to help Carrie. "I told you before, you can keep her as a friend as long as she obeys Kelly" she snapped at me. "I already talked to Kell, she is pleased so far, but doesnt want so much hesitation from your little friend. If she really wants to be Kell's slave, tell her to let go a bit more, like you are w/ me" Miss Amber let me know. "Show her how I trained you to do my laundry, you do remember dont you" she asked in that beautiful voice of hers. "Yes Miss Amber" i replied. "Get to work, and make her have fun with it, and by the way, good call, I am pleased, good night... slave" she said and the phone went dead. She was happy! As i was walking away from the phone, it rang. It was Miss Amber. "Tell Carrie to give you your message" -click- and Miss Amber left it at that.
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